5 Iconic Poems To Read

1. Faces

Smiling faces, charming faces

Of people of different races

Faces with freckles, giggles

Dimpled, pimpled, wrinkled

Friendly, frowning, whining

Some funny, some chubby

Some pretty like rose

Some with a pointed nose

Soft lips, smooth cheeks

Shaggy skin, thin, lean, clean

With sticking ears, with tears

Worried, weird, filled with craze

Some dumb, others expressive

Yet others are anxious and tensed

Some people are double-faced

Some have scars, moles, braces

But all apparent are not faces

Some are devils masqueraded 

2. ABC of Physics

A for alternating current, phasor diagrams make it coherent

B for bar magnet, it is solenoid's good friend

C for capacitor, it is different from resistor

D for drift velocity, Physics is full of curiosity

E for electron, it causes conduction

F for Faraday, the unit of electromagnetic induction

G for Gauss's law, H for Huygens principle

I for ion, like cation and anion

J for Joule, energy is needed for fuel

K for Kirchoff's rule, L for loop

M for magnetism, the light gets split by a prism

N for nucleus, O for optics

P for photon, Q for Quantum

R for reflection, the subject needs your perfection

S for sound, Physics is profound

T for transformer, U for ultrasonic waves

Physics is notable for the great importance in space

V for voltmeter, W for wheat-stone bridge

X for x-ray, Y for young's experiment

Z for Zener diode, Physics has so much to explore!

Through this poem, I have tried to relate the letters of the English Alphabet with terms of  the syllabus of Physics of 12th class.

3. Math's Mist

In other periods,

There's a lot of chittering,

When it comes to Math's, 

There's silence glittering

Those inexpressive pumpkin faces

Report card with bad-score traces

The formulae perplexation

Dismay, anxiety, and frustration

The never-ending syllabus

Eccentricity, directrix, and locus

Alas! It's difficult to focus

That days before the exam nightmares

Like demons, atomicity and dusk layers

Rather a topper would say

Math's is easier than chess

Yep, there's always opinion-clash

Of course, the subject is appealing,

Conundrum and conceptualizing 

4. You Are Special

It's true, I adore you,

No idea about what attracts,

I cannot help that,

Maybe it's a smile on your face,

Your confidence on the stage,

Your enthusiasm, your merits,

The positivity that dwells in your spirit,

The honesty in your heart,

That makes you stand apart,

For you're special in a way,

For everyone's unique,

Just learn to appreciate.

Whatever the situation, something must never change, the love for your beloved, the trust that you bestow upon them, and above all a sense of hope so that however tough the going gets one must always be ready to see the good in you.

5. Tenth Board Examination 

                                                                                        Written on - 29/03/2019

Math's exam was on that day, 

I was filled with anxiety and dismay, 

Question paper was easy, 

It needed us to be steady, 

Finally, I completely solved it, 

This time Math's exam was a hit.

The date was thirteen, 

Hands were below the chin, 

I have only one thing to lament, 

I failed in time management, 

It was the subject science, 

I couldn't pace up with time, 

Though it went good, 

Quite dejected I stood

Hindi was the next,

It was better than the rest,

The exam went marks gaining.

But I was hit by energy crises, 

The hand was much paining,

The exam went marks gaining.

Happy Holi and sad exams, 

English exam depended on chance, 

Because a little I studied, 

Perhaps too worried, 

But circumstances proved favorable, 

Question paper was of moderate level, 

Fears went to hell.

I performed well,

Finally the subject was social science, 

To prove myself it was the best time, 

I just rocked it!

Now I should stop it

Because examinations are already over 

And its time to hangover!

                                                                                                                                               -Anu Bagre


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